"Snow Fallin' in Your Hair": Some Winter from Bob Dylan's World

Image result for snow connecticut
It's another "snow day" in Connecticut, thanks to this storm that's angrily moving up the east coast. In light of this March lion, here are some of Bobby's songs that mention snow. He was certainly no stranger to the white gold, whether it was the snow in the streetlights at night and the foghorns blowin' off the great lake waters in Minnesota or the snow-globe New York City that he landed at in the early 1960's.
Image result for freewheelin bob dylan
hey! It's snowing in the city
"Girl From the North Country"
If you go in a snowflake storm/ When the rivers freeze/ And summer ends

"Meet me in the Morning"
Honey we could be in Kansas/ By the time the snow begins to fall

"On a Night Like This"
The air is so cold outside/ And the snow so deep

The snow was outrageous

The snow can be so cold. . . where the snowflakes cover the sand


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