"He Brought the Storm Down": Billy Graham in Three Parts

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Famed North Carolina evangelist Billy Graham passed away recently. Although I didn't always agree with Graham's theological beliefs, I always admired him for his conviction and heart. A few years ago when I was living in Charlotte, NC, I even went to take a peek at his museum. Something about the guy always fascinated me.  He eschewed big money and television in favor of good ol' preaching. When he made mistakes he owned up to them. 

Bob Dylan might've of put it best: "The guy was like rock n' roll personified- volatile, explosive. He had the hair, the tone, the elocution- when he spoke he brought the storm down. Clouds parted. Souls got saved. If you ever went to a Billy Graham rally, you were changed forever". 

Below is a video of Graham addressing a bunch of Silicon Valley tech entrepreneurs. What he has to say is interesting: 

Here's classic 70's Billy Graham- with the charisma to light up the screen and the funny way of pronouncing "why" as "h-why". 

Below, you'll find Billy at Harvard, Yale, and other places of higher learning where he claimed he felt out of place. At the Kennedy School of government, Graham makes a compelling case for decency, justice, and morality in public life. He claims that politicians' own sense of personal integrity will affect all of the decisions they make. If a politician lacks integrity in their personal life, Graham stated, they will likely lack integrity when making decisions for the county (looking at you, Trump). Worth checking out:


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